Lowongan Kerja Batam - 05 Maret 2012
Lowongan Kerja BATAM – 05 Maret 2012
USA Company, the leading worldwide oil wellhead manufacturer & service is looking for skilled, talented and qualified people for the following position :
- CNC Programmer
- Manufacturing Coordinator
- Machinist
- Admin Assistant
- General Admin Assistant
Special Requirements:
- Graduated min. Diploma of Mechanical/Metallurgy/Industrial Engineering (1), min. min. Senior High School, degree is advantage (2), min. min. Senior High School/technical school or equivalent (3).
- Posses minimum 2-3 years experience in the same field & position (all).
- Good knowledge of tooling and machining process specializing in welding industry & preferable familiar with AutoCad (1).
- Understand CNC machining acara (1).
- Understand manufacturing system is preferable (1&2).
- Understand production process in manufacturing industry (1&2).
- Experience in the same assembling and CNC machining process will be more be advantage (2).
- Able to read acara, operate CNC machine and able to set up component and tooling accurately will be advantage (2).
- Posses pleasent personality and good communciation (4).
- Receiving good, assist all office duties as requested and general admin assistance (5).
- General Requirements:
- Must be able to communicate in Eglish both oral and written.
- Proficiency using MS Office.
- Understand ISO, HSE, Six sigma and LEAN will be more advantage.
- Must be able to perform multitask and priorotize work flow, work independently with litle supervision and in teamwork as well & hard working.
- Good attitude & judgement, integrity, discretion, initiative and positive thinking.
If you meet the above requirements, please send your complete application, enclose with necessary documents, recent photograph and state position on the envelope or email title within 2 weeks after this advertisement to:
HRD Department
Jl. Tenggiri Kav. 21 Batu Ampar
Batam – Indonesia
Email : HRD.Batam@c-a-m.com
Max.500KB per job application with pdf, MS Word and Jpg Format.
Berdiri sejak tahun 2003 di Batam dan telah menjadi pemain utama dalam industry cake di Batam. Dalam perkembangannya, TAKAdeli telah memiliki 4 outlet di Batam, 1 di Pekanbaru, 1 di Ambon dan tahun 2010 ini membuka outlet sekaligus kantor sentra di Menteng, Jakarta.
- Marketing
- Design Graphic
- Supervisor Accounting
- Supervisor HRD
- Supervisor Toko (Khusus Batu Aji)
- Waiters
- Helper Produksi
- Pria/Wanita.
- Min D3 (1,2,3,4,5).
- Min SMU (6,7).
- Memiliki pengalaman dibidangnya sekurang-kurangnya1 tahun.
- Memiliki database, penemuan tinggi interpersonal skill yang baik (1).
- Menguasai coreldraw & photoshop (2).
- Menguasai dasar-dasar dan system akuntansi (3).
- Dapat menciptakan laoran keuangan (3).
- Menguasai MS Office Word, Excel (1,2,3,4,5).
- Mengerti perpajakan (4).
- Memiliki kemampuan korespondensi dan komunikasi yang bagus (1,2,3,4,5).
- Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan (1,3,4,5).
- Berpenampilan menawan.
- Dapat melakukan pekerjaan dibawah tekanan.
- Dapat bekerja dalam team, jujur dan bertanggung jawab.
Lamaran diantarke:
Komp. Ruko Palm Spring
Blok B1 No.5
Batam Center
ialah perusahaan pembiayaan otomotif paling besar dengan 214 kantor cabang diseluruh wilayah Indonesia. Dengan kemajuan yang berangasan, kami membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga profesional untuk bergabung bersama kami:
- Credit Marketing Office (CMO)
Melakukan pendekatan ke dealer, menerima order dari dealer, melaksanakan survey kelayakan pelanggan, membuat laporan survey, mengumumkan keputusan hasil survey, melakukan peran survey atas produk-produk NDS, berhubungan dengan institusi/forum/kelompok organisasi penduduk dan melaksanakan penjualan produk-produk yang dikontrol NDS terhadap kandidat Debitur (Existing Customer, Ex-Customer maupun biasa ) untuk keadaan tertentu.
- Customer Relation Officer (CRO)
Melakukan penagihan terhadap nasabah, survey kepada nasabah, melaksanakan follow up pembayaran nasabah dan memastikan pembayaran nasabah telah terinput ke sistem dan bertanggung jawab atas terlaksananya aktivitas penagihan keterlambatan pembayaran secara tepat waktu.
- Collector (ARO)
Kualifikasi untuk SMO, CRO dan ARO: Pria, usia maksimal 30 tahun, min D3/S1, IPK min 2,75 segala jurusan. Fresh graduate/berpengalaman min 1 tahun di Bank/perusahaan finance, memiliki kendaraan sendiri dan SIM C, memiliki integritas yang baik, komunikatif, inisiatif, teliti, jujur, giat, tekun, melampirkan surat keterangan sehat dari rumah sakit/dokter.
- Administrasi
Bertanggung jawab dalam proses administrasi, menciptakan report yang diperlukan oleh cabang dan penginputan data.
Kualifikasi untuk Administrasi:
Pria/Wanita, usia optimal 27 tahun, sekurang-kurangnyaD3/S1, IPK min 2,75 segala jurusan, fresh graduate/terlatih min 1 tahun di Bank/Perusahaan finance, mempunyai integritas yang bagus, komunikatif, inisiatif, teliti, jujur, ulet, tekun dan berpenampilan mempesona.
Fasilitas yang hendak ditemukan yakni:
- Gaji pokok,
- Insentif,
- perlindungan operasional,
- asuransi kecelakaan kerja dan jenjang karir.
Kirimkan surat lamaran dengan mencantumkan nomor telepon, kode posisi yang diminati di sudut kiri amplop dilengkapi dengan daftar riwayat hidup, pas poto 4X6, copy KTP, copy ijazah dan dokumen pendukung yang lain dalam waktu 2 (dua) ahad sejak dimuatnya iklan ini ke:
Komp. Bintang Mas Blok C No.3A
Sei Panas – Batam
1. Finance & Accounting
- Min D3 computer accounting.
- Bahasa Inggris pasif.
- Mengerti laporan keuangan (neraca,L/R).
- Teliti, jujur dan bertanggung jawab.
2. Marketing Export/Import Container
- Min D3 segala jurusan.
- Bisa berbahasa Inggirs written & oral.
- Komunikatif dan inovatif.
3. Customs Clearance Vessel
- Min D3 pelayaran niaga.
- Dapat berafiliasi dalam team.
- Pekerja keras & bertanggung jawab.
- Diutamakan terlatih.
4. Customs Clearance
- Mempunyai PPJK.
- Mengerti perizinan di bea cukai.
- Berpengalaman min 1 tahun.
Lamaran diantarke alamat:
Komp. Jodoh Square Blok C No.35
Sei Jodoh – Batam
Sebuah sekolah yang sedang beerkembang pesat di Batam, menunjukkan peluang untuk berkarir dengan klasifikasi selaku berikut:
- Guru PG/TK
- Guru SD
- Guru Komputer
- Guru Biologi/Taman Kanak-kanak
- Guru Kimia
- Guru Fisika
- Guru Matematika
- Guru Geografi/Taman Kanak-kanak
- Guru Marketing
- Guru Bahasa Indonesia
- Guru Mandarin
- Tata Usaha
- Staff Keuangan
- Staff Marketing
Dengan kriteria selaku berikut:
- Pendidikan PGTK (1).
- Pendidikan S1 atau memiliki Akta 4 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11).
- Pendidikan S1 sekretaris/administrasi (12).
- Pendidikan Sekolah Menengan Atas/Sekolah Menengah kejuruan Akuntansi (13).
- Pendidikan D3/S1 ekonomi, psikologi (14).
- Fresh graduate atau memiliki pengalaman mengajar sekurang-kurangnya1 tahun (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11).
- Bisa mengajar dengan bilingual English-Indonesia (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9).
- Mengerti surat menyurat dan ketatausahaan sekolah (12).
- Bisa berbahasa Inggris aktif dan pasif (12,13,14).
- Memiliki pengalaman marketing minimal 1 tahun di dunia pendidikan (14).
- Disiplin, ulet, sopan dan bertanggung jawab.
- Laki-laki/wanita.
Kirimkan lamaran beserta CV, ijazah, dokumen penunjang & pas poto ke:
PO BOX 1212
Batam Center 29451
atau email: hrdplus2012@yahoo.com
WE CHANGE THE WORLD by making people more independent of time, space, and limitations. We ask questions. Through our innovative semiconductor and system solutions we address three central challenges to modern society: energy efficiency, communications and security. About 25,000 Infineon team members worldwide cooperate to turn ideas into answers of the future:
Technicians (Code: Tech 1203)
The Job:
- Perform set up and repair equipment.
- Perform machine conversion, calibration, troubleshooting.
- Minimize unscheduled downtime.
- Requirements:
- D3/D4 in Electronics, Telecomunication, Mechatronics.
- Quick learner.
Supervisor (Code: Spv 1203)
The Job:
- Manage people at production area.
- Achieve company goal.
- Requirements:
- Min D3.
- Able to lead a group of operators to meet company goal.
Network Engineer (Code: NE 1203)
The Job:
- Plan, manage and setup Network and voice devices (all network equipment include video conference, all NV cable and follow IFX standard).
- Provide day to day network services, monitor availability and utilization of network and voice.
- Maintain inventory of network asser.
- Fulfill and resolved all NV incident and service request within SLA (onsite support is required during critical incident).
- Liaise with regional team support and standardization.
- Maintain 5S network cabling and network switch room.
- 24/7 on site support.
- Bachelor’s or higher degree in computer science or IT related field.
- Minimum 3 years of hands-on relevant experience in networking troubleshooting and operational support, implementation and administration.
- Ability to support analoh/ip phone, network and communications.
- Experience in troubleshooting LAN/WAN technology, to including routing, VPN technology & switching (VLAN).
- Preference given to candidate who has experience in either of the following: CISCO (CCNA), AMP, Siemens/HiPath IP Telephony.
- To Apply:
- If you are a highly motivated team player and a professional with a passion for excellence. You will discover your niche in our exciting and established organization.
Please send your application & CV (put the Code as Subject of your email) mention your current and expected salary, address & HP number within 2 weeks to:
The Human Resources
Jl. Beringin Lot. 317 BIP Mukakuning Batam, 29433
email: recruitment.batam@infineon.com
We regret that only short listed candidates will be notified.
Is the world’s leading independent producer of electronic and fiber optic cable assemblies and electrical power cord. We have world wide factory Europe, USA and Asia with sales USD 405 million/year. Base in Batam seeking candidates for position :
- Engineer (code: E, 5 person)
- Engineering Sample (code: ES, 3 person)
- Technicain Injection Moulding (code: TIM, 10 person)
- Production Material Planner (code: PMP, 3 person)
- Planning Clerk (code: PLC, 1 person)
- QA Engineer (code: QE, 1 person)
- In Process QA (code: IPQA, 5 person)
- Production Supervisor (code: PS, 4 person)
- Production Leader (code: PL, 16 person)
- Production Clerk (code: PDC, 3 person)
- Buyer (code: BY, 5 person)
- Senior Buyer (code: SBY, 5 person)
- Shipping Assistant (code: SHAS, 2 person)
- Sales Coordinator (code: SC, 3 person)
Job Function:
- E: Process improvement, line design, defect analysis, WI, process flow chart, PFMEA, pilot run, CPK study.
- ES: To provide sample according to customer requirement, process design, step by step process determination, process control, product verification and evaluation.
- TIM: Setting, adjust, toubleshoot of moulding, experience for machine crimping and electrical setting.
- PMP: Create and update MPS, review daily production output, raw material expediting and requirement, inventory and shop order control, product review, order co-ordinator.
- PLC: General administration duties.
- QE: Maintain in process and outgoing quality control, provide customer service relating to quality.
- IPQA: Understand about in process and out going quality.
- PS: Person in charge for daily operation to maintain production output, delivery, quality and production efficiency. Direct reporting to production manager for production KPI.
- PL: Assist supervisor to lead a group production operators to meet production parameter, quality on time delivery, productivity, safety and 5S, check the compliance to requirements standard; SOP, WI, Quality plan, standardized work, etc.
- PDC: Data entry, filling document.
- BY: Issued PO and follow up on the commitment date from supplier able to communicate closely with supplier (pull in, ush out and cancellation) and result oriented regarding delivery, related issue (eg. shipment pre-alert, delivery delinquency) duduk perkara solving on related issue with shipment from supplier (eg. shipment discrepancy, problematic shipping doc’s). Attend to suppler quality issue.
- SBY: Responsible for on time PO# release, confirm delivery date and quantity in schedule line identity critical material and supplier and work closely to meet requirement. Ensure purchasing data and vendor are completed & maintained. Address and resolved situation such as supply chain shortage, allocation, alternate source of supply. Able to communicate effectively with such suppliers and cross department.
- SHAS: Follow up incoming shipment/Export shipment, preparing shipping document.
- SC: Create and maintain all customer filling system, order processing mailing and filling document.
- Female/Male, 20-30 years old (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,12,13,14).
- Senior High School, diploma (2,5,7,9,10).
- Diploma, university (1,2,3,4,6,8,11,12,13,14).
- Diploma mechanical, electrcial or industrial engineering (1,2,3,6).
- Experience 1-2 years in the same function (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14).
- Able to communicate in English (spoken and written, 1,2,3,4,6,11,12,13,14).
- Passive in English (5,7,8,10).
- Computer literate MS. Excel, word, power point (all function).
- Able to work independently, hard working, discipline (1,2,3,4,5,6,11,12,13,14).
Important notice:
- Above position require strong interpersonal and communication skills, fluency in written and spoken English. We offer a competitive remuneration package.
If you are confident that you meet our requirements, please forward your application with complete CV, recent photo, expected salary, indicating the job position and please submit your resume before 15 March 2012 to:
Human Resources Manager
Sekupang Industrial Park
Batam – 29422
Telp: 0778-322489
Fax: 0778-322955
Email: rima_melati@volex.com ; sri_widya@volex.com
PT. Parazelsus Indonesia
PT. Parazelsus Indonesia yakni perusahaan distribusi farmasi yang bangun pada tahun 2008. Perusahaan ini mempunyai cabang – cabang yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia dan merupakan salah satu perusahaan distribusi paling besar yang bertaraf Internasional.
Parazelsus Indonesia ketika ini sedang memerlukan karyawan untuk mengisi posisi:
Medical Representative-Johnson & Johnson Medical Indonesia (Area Batam)
- Pira/Wanita umur max 30 tahun.
- Pendidikan sekurang-kurangnyaD3, Universitas tekermuka.
- Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun sebagai medical representative dibidang farmasi/alat-alat kesehatan.
- Dapat mengendarai motor dan memiliki SIM C.
- Diutamakan bisa berbahasa Inggris aktif.
- Mampu melakukan pekerjaan dibawah tekanan.
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (word, excel, powerpoint).
- Memiliki kemampuan memasarkan yang baik.
- Mampu membina kekerabatan yang baik dengan pelanggan.
Jika anda termasuk dalam kualifikasi tersebut, mohon kirimkan CV anda paling lambat 1 minggu sehabis iklan ini ditayangkan terhadap:
HR Development
Menara Jamsostek 22nd Floor
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 38, Jakarta
atau email ke: recruitment@parazelsus.co.id
Pusat perawatan keayuan wajah Natasha Skin Care membutuhkan karyawan untuk ditempatkan di Salatiga dengan posisi selaku :
Kepala Cabang
- Pria/Wanita usia maksimal 35 tahun.
- Pendidikan minimal S1.
- Berpengalaman dibidang manejerial min 1 tahun.
- Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh cabang Natasha Skin Care.
- Beauty Therapyst
- Wanita performa mempesona tidak berkacamata.
- Pendidikan min Sekolah Menengan Atas/SMK jurusan keayuan/SPK, akademi fisioterapi.
- Umur maksimal 30 tahun, tinggi 155cm.
Lamaran dan CV diterima selambat-lambatnya 10 hari sehabis iklan ini diterbitkan. Kirim ke:
Graha Natahsa, Jl. Kaliurang km.5 no. 53
Prestige Aesthetic Clinic
Prestige Aesthetic Clinic menyuguhkan desain Holistik Skin & Body Health yang komprehensif. Konsep holistik akan sangat mengamati keunikan tampilan pribadi setiap pelanggan yang memiliki ciri khas yang unik, sehingga penyempurnaan penampilan sorang pelanggan akan berlainan dengan pelanggan lainnya:
- Wanita, usia 20-27 tahun.
- Pendidikan mininal Sekolah Menengan Atas/sederajat.
- Kulit paras & tubuh sehat.
- Bisa berbahasa Mandarin.
- Dapat mengoperasikan Komputer.
Kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap ke:
Komp. Ruko Kota Mas
Blok A2 No. 1-2-3 Batam
Kami Membuka Kesempatan Karir Bagi Para Profesional Muda Yang Dinamis Untuk Berkembang Bersama Kami:
- Team Leader Marketing
- Marketing Executive
- Administration Officer
Dengan syarat:
- Serius dan mau bersusah payah.
- Berpengalaman dibidang marketing (unutk posisi 1 dan 2).
- Berpengalaman selaku team leader (untuk posisi 1).
- Usia maksimum 30 tahun.
- Benefit yang diterima: Gaji Pokok dan santunan lain-lain.
Kirim lamaran anda selambat-lambatnya hari selasa tanggal 6 Maret 2012 ke:
Komplek Lumbung Rejeki H No.13
Nagoya – Batam
Telephone: 0778-459222
email: batam@pans.co.id